We have several pricing packages listed below.
We recommend between 400 – 600 paintballs for a standard rental paintball session.
For third party tickets or VIP tickets please book via email
All paintballs are included for kids splat and magfed paintball sessions.
Pay & Play £15.00
Pay & Play £15.00
This package gets you access to game areas
Minimum of 6 games played
All equipment need to play paintball
No paintballs included
Rookie £27.00
Rookie Pack £27.00
This package gets you access to game areas
Minimum of 6 games played
All equipment need to play paintball
200 paintballs included
Gunner £45.00
Gunner Pack £45.00
This package gets you access to game areas
Minimum of 6 games played
All equipment need to play paintball
500 paintballs included
Kids £22.50
Kids £22.50
This package is for kids 8 - 11
2 hour session
All equipment need to play inc paintballs
Overalls extra £2.50 if needed
Adults can join in
Magfed £65
Magfed £65
Magfed Paintball for over 18s only
5 tactical games
All equipment included
Paintballs included + 3 grenades
2 magazines per game (approx. 50 paintballs)
Laser £24
Laser £24
Outdoor Laser Combat
Access to game areas
2 hour session
Overalls extra £2.50 if needed
Ages 7+
Standard rate paintballs
& extras
- 100 Paintballs: £10.00
- 500 Paintballs: £40.00 (£8 per 100)
- 2000 Paintballs: £140.00 (£7 per 100)
- Paint / Smoke Grenades: £8.00 each
- Pyro Pack – 1 Smoke, 1 Paint & 2 Flash bang: £20
- Combat gloves: £12
- Rambo pack – 500 paintballs, Combat Gloves & Pyro Pack: £65

Club rate paintballs
& extras
- 100 Paintballs: £8.00
- 500 Paintballs: £35.00 (£7 per 100)
- 2000 Paintballs: £120.00 (£6 per 100)
- Paint / Smoke Grenades: £8.00 each
- Pyro Pack – 1 Smoke, 1 Paint & 2 Flash bang: £20
- Combat gloves: £12
- Rambo pack – 500 paintballs, Combat Gloves & Pyro Pack: £55
Club discounts only available to group bookings that book directly with us. Please note that all club pricing will be discontinued March 31st 2024, prising after this date will be at our standard rate.