We have several pricing packages listed below.
We recommend between 400 – 600 paintballs for a standard rental paintball session.
For third party tickets or VIP tickets please book via email
All paintballs are included for kids splat and magfed paintball sessions.
Pay & Play £15.00
Pay & Play £15.00
This package gets you access to game areas
Minimum of 6 games played
All equipment need to play paintball
No paintballs included
Rookie £27.00
Rookie Pack £27.00
This package gets you access to game areas
Minimum of 6 games played
All equipment need to play paintball
200 paintballs included
Gunner £45.00
Gunner Pack £45.00
This package gets you access to game areas
Minimum of 6 games played
All equipment need to play paintball
500 paintballs included
Kids £22.50
Kids £22.50
This package is for kids 8 - 11
2 hour session
All equipment need to play inc paintballs
Overalls extra £2.50 if needed
Adults can join in
Magfed £65
Magfed £65
Magfed Paintball for over 18s only
5 tactical games
All equipment included
Paintballs included + 3 grenades
2 magazines per game (approx. 50 paintballs)
Laser £24
Laser £24
Outdoor Laser Combat
Access to game areas
2 hour session
Overalls extra £2.50 if needed
Ages 7+
Standard rate paintballs
& extras
- 100 Paintballs: £10.00
- 500 Paintballs: £40.00 (£8 per 100)
- 2000 Paintballs: £140.00 (£7 per 100)
- Paint / Smoke Grenades: £8.00 each
- Pyro Pack – 1 Smoke, 1 Paint & 2 Flash bang: £20
- Combat gloves: £12
- Rambo pack – 500 paintballs, Combat Gloves & Pyro Pack: £65

Entry Packages
- Paintball entry only: £15.00 per player
- Paintball entry inc 200 Paintballs: £27.00 per player
- Paintball entry inc 500 Paintballs: £45.00 per player
- Magfed paintball inc pyro and all paint: £65 per player
- Kids Splatball: £22.50 per player
- Outdoor laser combat: £24.00 per player