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If you have been lucky enough to attend 2017’s NvS in the UK and many of the larger games overseas you may have had to deal with the mighty paintball tank, not any ordinary piece of equipment in a paintball teams ordinance, from the full replicas of Tiger Tanks to the bizarre bike and side cart or the Minions of…
1. Don’t be afraid Getting hit by a paintball hurts less than you might expect. Yes it can sting, yes it can even leave a little mark, but a moment or two later and you’ll have forgotten all about it and will be raring to get back in the game. Some new players are so worried about being hit that…
Here we will take a brief look at some of the entry level paintball guns or ‘markers’ that are currently on the market, from top of the range light weight electros to classic blow back mechs, this is not a definitive guide, there are many other quality products on the market and as always we recommend visiting your local shop…
Paintball Brélidy from YCProduction on Vimeo. Paintball can be more than just a game of tag